Webinar: Master Compliance with the Deforestation Regulation using GS1 Standards

Learn how to effortlessly navigate the complex European Deforestation Regulation (EUDR) landscape using proven GS1 standards. Discover practical strategies to ensure compliance and streamline your operations.

We held a webinar dedicated to deforestation and the new European regulation. Over 400 people joined this one-hour conference, which was very enlightening about the necessary steps for the whole industry to move in the same direction: to ensure that all products are deforestation-free.

We know it’s not easy to organise all the information and keep up to date with all the regulatory requirements, but that’s where the GS1 standards come in. They are already proven and enable the various stakeholders to collect, process and share massive amounts of data throughout the supply chain.

Watching this webinar is essential to understand the latest developments in the EUDR – European Deforestation Regulation – and also to realise what steps companies need to take to comply with the legislation, a process that is greatly simplified thanks to GS1 standards, guaranteeing greater efficiency and compliance.

Throughout this hour, which can be revisited in the video below, we also hear real-life testimonies from speakers both internal to the GS1 community and external, with a look at the specific actions and strategies needed to optimise processes and operations. Besides the video of the session, we’ve also made available the slides that were shown during the various presentations.

What Will You Learn?

  • Updates on EUDR: Stay informed on the latest developments in the European Deforestation Regulation and understand its implications for your business
  • GS1 Standards: Discover how GS1 standards can simplify the process of meeting regulatory demands, ensuring your operations remain efficient and compliant
  • User Stories and Practical Examples: Explore real-life user stories from various actors in the commodity chains and learn about the specific actions required for compliance
  • Comprehensive GS1 White Paper: Be among the first to receive our newly launched GS1 White Paper that consolidates all the information you need about EUDR and how GS1 standards can support your compliance efforts

Why watch or rewatch the 1-hour webinar?

  • Gain expert insights into the EUDR landscape
  • Learn practical strategies to ensure compliance
  • Understand the role of GS1 standards in streamlining operations

If you want to watch or re-watch the session click on the video!

To download the presentation click here

Several questions were submitted during the webinar, and you will soon find the answers provided by our team of specialists here.

Attached Documents