Since February 2020 the Global Data Model is now a GS1 standard for the main FMCG product categories in food and near-food. Now GS1 in Europe is preparing to add DIY, Garden & Pet as a regional layer to this standard.
On the past 24 March the kick-off for adding DIY, Garden & Pet took place. There was a huge turn up from all over Europe. It proved there is a clear need for a data model for this sector. Thank you for participating or showing interest. Special thanks go out to our speakers.
Please find below the link to the presentation.
The agenda and speakers for the kick-off meeting were:
Why an EU data model for DIY, Garden & pet: introduction on needs & ambition
– Jan Somers (CEO, GS1 Belgium & Luxembourg)
– Henk-Jan Timmerman (Programme and Operations Director GS1 in Europe)
What’s in it for the industry – a supplier and retailer perspective. Why cooperate? Why GS1? What is the ROI?
– Tobias M. Koerner (Senior Vice President Global Sales, GARDENA Division)
– Marc Henkens (E-commerce Manager, HUBO)
– Torsten Kreft (Country Lead Austria, hagebau)
The Benelux data model explained in a nutshell
– Marco van der Lee (Sector Manager DIY, Garden & Pet, GS1 Netherlands)
What is the Global Data Model? How, when, what & who?
– Markus Mueller (Global Data Model Director, GS1 Global Office)
Wrap-up, common ambition and why we need it?
– Thomas Fell (CEO, GS1 Germany)
– Mirjam Karmiggelt (CEO, GS1 Netherlands)
– Jonatan Tullberg (CEO, GS1 Sweden)
– Didier Veloso (CEO, GS1 France)
Closing & roadmap
Why the Global Data Model?

The GS1 Global Data Model (GDM) enables to share foundational product information with your trading partners. To complete the product information needed to list, store, move and sell products, the GDM defines a consistent set of foundational product attributes. By simplifying and harmonising the exchange of product data around the world, the GS1 Global Data Model increases operational efficiency for brand owners and retailers and improves data accuracy and completeness for consumers.
DIY, Garden & Pet sector

The DIY, Garden & Pet sector is a sector on its own. The number of product categories that are part of this sector is huge and the kind of products that are sold differ greatly from each other. The sector is a pioneer in eCommerce and is capable of driving this fairly recent channel for the whole CPG environment. GS1 aims to support this sector by harmonising the existing data models and adding them to the Global Data Model, with the goal not to reinvent the wheel but to use what is already out there. Where needed the current process will be adjusted to accommodate this new sector.
For more information on the project please check our project landing page here.