Electric vehicles are an important asset in creating a sustainable transport system. However, batteries can have a severe environmental impact if they are not managed properly throughout their life cycle.
The European Union – determined to become the first climate-neutral region by 2050 – has launched a comprehensive package of measures, the Green Deal, which includes the introduction of the Digital Product Passport for vehicle and industrial batteries.
The GS1 in Europe Battery Passport Team has been working closely with industry associations and other stakeholders to support the development of the digital product passport and to align GS1 standards with the business needs in this sector.
The project team has focused on identification, labeling, data modeling, and exchanging data in an open, interoperable, and standardized way.
Today, we are pleased to present our white paper, developed in collaboration with the Global Battery Alliance, which meets the requirements of the new EU Sustainable Battery Regulation. You can now download the full white paper below to explore how GS1 standards advance battery lifecycle management.
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